
“Before working with Sleep Science Academy my sleep was a struggle and at times non-existent. I’d go 2-3 days with no sleep. I went the herbal route, tried teas, changing up my room, breathing, supplements, but at the end of the day none of that helped. Now, my...


“My sleep before SSA was non-existent. I’d sleep like 2 hours a night and wake up feeling drained. I tried sleeping pills, getting sleep tests done to see if there was a medical reason why I wasn’t sleeping. I tried PMR (progressive muscle relaxation),...


“My sleep was filled with anxiety and dread during the day and while getting into bed. I’d wake up 5 times a night and it would take hours to fall asleep. I tried supplements, good sleep hygiene, I even got blood work from the doctor. But it was what was in my...


“My sleep was getting pretty bad. Many nights I never went to sleep and eventually got up, or wouldn’t fall asleep until the early hours of the morning. I tried melatonin, I was trying to see a psychologist but I couldn’t get in for 3 months at least, I couldn’t...


My sleep was very poor for years. I struggled to fall asleep and I struggled to stay asleep. I tried prescription medication, lifestyle and diet changes but nothing really seemed to help. They were just addressing the symptoms and not the root cause. SSA helped me to...