Before working with SSA my sleep was getting worse and worse. I was down to 4 hours [of sleep] a night if that! I had been using supplements to sleep, but since working with the Sleep Science Academy I haven’t taken any supplements. The other things I tried didn’t work for me because they were just a bandaid. I didn’t understand what was preventing me from sleeping or why I wasn’t sleeping. After working with SSA I’m sleeping 6-7 hours a night! It’s significantly better. My life has improved because I have more energy and the sleep concern is off the table, because I know I’m able to overcome it. It’s just a matter of understanding what it is that keeps me from sleeping. My experience with SSA has been amazing. Doing it via Zoom makes it easy too, it isn’t another appointment I have to go to. This program is designed for anyone who has trouble sleeping! Be patient. It doesn’t happen overnight.