The Science Behind A Good Night’s Sleep


December 13, 2023 4 MIN READ

Good nights sleep

The Science Behind A Good Night’s Sleep

For many adults, a good night’s sleep is but a wish. Those suffering from insomnia will try just about anything that promises to help them get to sleep and stay asleep until the alarm clock rings.

According to the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, chronic insomnia is highly prevalent and affects approximately 30% of the general population. Another sleep disorder – sleep apnea – affects approximately 39 million U.S. adults. Globally, 936 million adults around the world are estimated to have mild to severe cases of apnea.

Stress and work schedules are the two main causes of sleep disorders. In a world where stress is mostly unavoidable, and work is, for some, a necessary evil, pharmaceutical companies have stepped up and created a plethora of sleep aids.

But just how dangerous are those magic pills that make us run for the medicine cabinet night after night? The fact that the American Medical Association classifies most sleep aids as “sedative hypnotics” gives us our first clue. This class includes benzodiazepines, barbiturates, and various hypnotics.

Benzodiazepines are potentially addictive and can cause problems with memory and attention. They are usually not recommended for long-term treatment of sleeping problems. Barbiturates depress the central nervous system and can cause sedation – and can be fatal in overdose.

Newer sleep-inducing medications, which help you fall asleep faster, bind to the same receptors in the brain as do benzodiazepines. They, too, can be habit-forming and, over time can still sometimes cause physical dependence.

Common side effects of prescription sleep aides include: Burning or tingling in the hands, arms, feet, or legs; changes in appetite; constipation or diarrhea; balance problems; dizziness; daytime drowsiness; dry mouth or throat, gas; headache; heartburn; impairment the next day; mental slowing or problems with attention or memory; stomach pain or tenderness; uncontrollable shaking of a part of the body; unusual dreams; and weakness.

Some sleeping pills have potentially harmful side effects, including parasomnia. Parasomnias are movements, behaviors, and actions over which you have no control, like sleepwalking. During parasomnia, you are asleep and unaware of what is happening. People have reported sleep-eating, making phone calls, or having sex while in a sleep state. Sleep driving, which is driving while not fully awake, is another serious sleeping pill side effect.

Daytime drowsiness due to poor sleep can be attributed to car wrecks, poor work performance, on-the-job accidents and relationship issues. Drowsiness and lack of concentration at school causes many children to fall behind in class.

While there are definite medical reasons why a person cannot sleep well, many times it is simply due to stress or poor sleep habits. Sleep Science Academy has developed a remedy for those wishing to break free from machines and prescriptions just for a good night’s sleep.

Sleep Apnea is an altogether different type of sleep disorder. Those with apnea frequently stop breathing while they’re asleep. When sleep is interrupted, oxygen levels drop.

There are three types of sleep apnea: obstructive (OSA), the most common, results from the muscles in the back of the throat relaxing and narrowing the airway; central apnea occurs when the brain fails to signal the body to breathe; and complex apnea is a hybrid form encompassing both OSA and central apnea – often referred to as Treatment-Emergent Central Sleep Apnea.

To determine whether someone has apnea, and the type of apnea, a sleep study is performed in a clinic where the patient is closely monitored. Often, a Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) machine is prescribed afterward. The machine delivers a steady stream of air into the airway through a hose attached to a mask that has to be worn at night.

While the CPAP machine is the standard of care for this disease, there are lifestyle changes that can also help alleviate this condition. Our certified sleep coaches can help you retrain your mind and body using a proven step-by-step process designed to reset your body’s sleep system.

Sleep Science Academy is dedicated to unraveling the mysteries of sleep. We pair proven methods backed by science with the most cutting-edge sleep technology to help you understand your sleep at a deep holistic level.

Sleep Science Academy’s professional sleep coaches and specialized program create an effective alliance with your medical treatment to help you overcome sleep challenges. The techniques and insights you gain will augment the results of medical treatments, providing sleep strategies and tools you can use going forward.

Sleep Science Academy Founder and CEO Devin Burke has dedicated his life to helping exhausted insomniacs get and stay asleep so they can wake energized and ready to tackle each day. This bestselling author and TEDx speaker has developed a unique program using a unique holistic approach based on science.

Devin was named “One of the Top 10 Coaches of 2023” by USA Today and also a “Top 25 Health Coaches in America.” and has studied innovative holistic coaching methods from some of the world’s top health and human performance experts for over a decade.

From informative articles to expert videos, Sleep Science Academy provides valuable insights into the science behind sleep, its health benefits, and strategies to improve the quality of sleep. With a wealth of information and resources, it aims to provide a deep understanding of the importance of sleep.

Through the use of interactive quizzes and tests, we help individuals assess their own sleep patterns and identify potential sleep issues. Experts in the field of sleep science share their knowledge, experience, and recommendations on various aspects of sleep, including sleep hygiene, sleep disturbances, and strategies to improve sleep quality.

Adequate sleep is crucial for cognitive function, and Sleep Science Academy recognizes this importance. The website offers guidance on how to optimize sleep habits for mental clarity, focus, and mental performance. By implementing strategies to improve sleep, individuals can enhance their cognitive abilities and perform better in their daily activities.

Sleep Science Academy also explores the relationship between sleep and stress and provides strategies to manage stress and anxiety. Our coaches teach clients to prioritize sleep so they can reduce stress levels, leading to improved overall mental well-being.

We believe every single person alive is a unique individual. When it comes to sleeping difficulties, the problems tend to run deep and are different for everybody. At Sleep Science Academy, we get to the root of the problem with a unique approach to sleep that’s customized to your individualized needs — without the need for dangerous and addictive insomnia medication.

At Sleep Science Academy, we take a science-based approach to get to the root cause of the problem. We develop a customized, cognitive approach based on your unique needs and challenges. We teach you good sleep habits, but more importantly, we explore those deep-seated psychological issues that may be preventing a good night’s sleep.

If you are ready to get a better night’s sleep, schedule a sleep breakthrough call with one of our sleep support specialists and we will reveal the step-by-step strategy we’re using to help our clients say goodbye to sleepless nights forever. Let Sleep Science Academy help you get the sleep you need – and deserve!