Paola tried a series of natural solutions to help her insomnia. From yoga and meditation, melatonin and tapping to herbs, supplements and over the counter medications. Each would work for a time, but she didn’t like the way it made her feel the next day.
Her sleep was disconnected. Some nights she slept for just a couple of hours, and some nights she didn’t sleep at all.
“I was feeling unwell. My mind was playing tricks on me.”
She quickly learned after joining Sleep Science Academy that her sleep was connected to days. The supplements she had been taking were just an easy solution when what she needed to do was go much deeper.
“Now, my sleep is much better! Last week I averaged 8 hours a night which is more than I had in years.”
Despite things going on in her personal life, Paola’s sleep started to improve four weeks into working with Sleep Science Academy. As she moved through the program she forgot about sleep and instead started paying attention to how she was spending her days.
Now that she’s sleeping, she has so much energy she’s driving everyone crazy. She wants to work out, move mountains and start something new.
Paola says the program is a beautiful insight and opportunity to go deeper.
“It’s an exploration of life. It’s for anyone who wants to be true to themselves and discover more of themselves.”
She recommends working with Sleep Science Academy to anyone who’s ready to look into their lives and improve their life as well as their sleep.
“Go for it. Trust that help is possible!”