No Longer Battling Sleep
Every night felt like a battle ground for Dimitra. She was dependent on CBD, edibles, hypnosis and various other supplements to sleep.
The methods she tried didn’t work because she was approaching sleep with the wrong perspective. Her sleep was erratic and she was getting only 5 hours a night. Before SSA, Dimitra hated going to bed.
“I felt like a warrior going into battle.” She prepared each night to fight with sleep.
Sleep Science Academy taught her the self awareness she needed to address the root cause of her problem. It gave her the tools to make the connection of how her daytime impacted her night.
Now she looks forward to going to bed. She’s able to fall back asleep easily if she wakes up because she is no longer anxious about her sleep. She is sleeping between 6-7 ½ hours of sleep.
It took a couple of weeks before Dimitra started seeing improvement in her sleep. She noticed that the more she understood and embraced the modules, the better her sleep became.
Working with Sleep Science Academy was overwhelming at first, but as she stuck with it, she developed patience and understanding. She got a lot out of the coaching and weekly group coaching sessions. Felt very supported by the SSA team.
“The biggest thing I learned was to be gentler with myself.”
Improving her sleep hasn’t made her stressful days disappear, but it’s helped her manage them.
She no longer feels like a victim of her circumstance. The self awareness of potential triggers helps her to not fall into anxiety loops.
Dimitra recommends Sleep Science Academy to anyone who feels pressure from their job, families or day to day life. She thinks it’s a great way to help anyone not take themselves too seriously.