Using Rapid Transformational Therapy For Sleep

Speaker 1 (00:03):
Awesome. Welcome everyone to another episode of Interviewing the Experts. Super excited today to be interviewing Emily Rose Somerset, a good friend and a leading mindset expert and success coach Woo <laugh>, who specializes in rapid transformational therapy, also known as r t t. Emily first began learning more about the human brain, human consciousness in 2006 in order to heal her husband Scott, after a bipolar diagnosis in your suicide. Over 14 years later, she has supported thousands using the same transformative method she used to heal Scott and design and live an exponential life. So we are in for a treat because Emily is not only a skilled practitioner, but she’s an amazing person. And so I just wanna, Kevin <laugh> Yeah. Welcome you to Sleep Science Academy, <laugh>. Thanks. Thanks for being here. I’m, I’m really excited to, to learn more about R T T and how it can help us better manage our stress and sleep. So why don’t we start off with you just sharing maybe a little bit more about yourself, and then I’d love to get into what R t T is and, and how we can, we can use it to improve our lives.

Speaker 2 (01:28):
Yeah, yeah, definitely. So, I feel like, um, my husband Scott, his breakdown to breakthrough is kind of what we called it, um, back in 2006. Um, you know, it really was kind of a, a catalyst into living our best life. And, um, definitely really sparked my interest in learning more about, you know, human consciousness, neuroscience, really understanding our minds and their connection to our body, and why we do the things that we do. Because when Scott was sick, I was like, I, I really don’t understand this. You know, we’ve built this really beautiful life together and, um, yet, you know, you’re, you know, experiencing a lot of anxiety, a lot of depression, um, and let’s figure out what’s going on with your, with your mind, with your brain, so that you can start to, to heal and to live a better life for yourself. And so, um, that, that one fateful night when he had his breakdown to breakthrough, one of the first books that I found was Eckhart Toys A New Earth mm-hmm.

<affirmative>. And to me, that really, um, explained this duality that we have in our minds. And that was just the beginning for me. And since then, I’m just, this is what I geek out on. You know, this is my life’s purpose. I love doing this work. And, um, I really, um, began to understand that the, the root of every issue that we experience can be found in our subconscious mind. And, um, the beautiful thing about R t T and a lot of the work that I, a lot of the tools and the modalities that I use, is that I can go into the subconscious, we can identify, you know, what those beliefs are. Um, you know, and the beliefs are usually, um, connected to some type of experience in the past that is, um, that had some kind of really intense emotional energy behind it.

That’s why it’s, you know, it has more control of our minds, um, going in there, finding out what those beliefs are, what the habitual thought is, and then from there, um, you know, interrupting that programming, you know, the brains programming, um, and then starting to reprogram new beliefs into the subconscious. And so, um, that’s really how we get the job done, especially, you know, when it comes to sleep, there’s some kind of belief system in there, some habitual thought that is either keeping someone from falling asleep or staying asleep. And so that, yeah. It’s just, it’s really a power therapy.

Speaker 1 (03:59):
Yeah. I love it. So, you know, let’s, maybe why don’t we start also by just making a distinction between like the conscious and the subconscious mind. Cause a lot of people that don’t, you know, uh, aren’t exposed to this type of material or don’t Great.

Speaker 2 (04:13):

Speaker 1 (04:14):
You know, have maybe some confusion there. So why don’t you share a little bit about, you know, what’s the difference? And, um, and then we can start getting into, you know, how maybe rapid transformational therapy, how it specifically works, and how we can start to, you know, uh, potentially use some of the techniques or tools to, to support our everyday life, and especially our, our nights when we’re up in bed with these beliefs and these anxieties about, you know, what’s going on in the world, what’s going on in our lives. But let’s start with the distinctions, conscious and, and subconscious.

Speaker 2 (04:45):
Yeah. Yeah. So, um, our conscious mind is, um, kind of the, the 5% that allows us to go out there and complete tasks and, um, just kind of get our work done. Um, and then the, the other 95% of our brain is really the subconscious, which is ultimately our bodies. So, um, when we think of thought, our little neurons, they fire in wire and they send signals, you know, neurochemicals down through our central nervous system, and they get distributed to the body. So if we have anxiety around sleep, then we start releasing these not so great, you know, neurochemicals like cortisol and adrenaline, and we can actually become addicted to those. But yeah, just really the difference between the, the quote unquote conscious and the unconscious, um, subconscious is kind of how Ecker explained it all those years ago, um, is it really is kind of this, this 5% that knows that we need to do something to change that intellectually understands it, is trying to impact the other 95%, which is basically the hardwired program in our mind body, our entire, you know, physical and energetic makeup. So that’s why it’s like, I know what I need to do to fall asleep, but why can I not do it? Is because the 5% is trying to control the 95%, and so we have to change the 95% in order to get new results in life. And r t t can directly help, you know, people with that.

Speaker 1 (06:16):
Yeah. So let’s, let’s talk about a little bit about the, so we have the, the 5% and 95%, so the 95%, most of o of our thoughts are, are, we’re not aware of, right? They’re subconscious or they’re not.

Speaker 2 (06:28):
A lot of them are hardwired in, they’re, um, habitual. You know, we, we usually think the same, like 95% of our thoughts usually are the same thoughts that we had the day before. And so until we start to learn new information and change our thoughts the way we think, we’re basically placing our past on our future. And so that’s why we don’t see any change. So one of the key tools is like, all right, I can’t sleep. What new information, what new tools do I need to, you know, start to implement and apply that’s gonna allow me to start to change the way I think, therefore changing my future?

Speaker 1 (07:04):
Why do you, Emily, why do you think it’s so hard for people to, to really change their, their beliefs? You know, what, what do you think is, is the reason why so many people like, hold on to their beliefs, like, like old clothes that they need to throw out? What, what is it about beliefs that people, that keeps people like just latched onto these, these, uh, these things that don’t really even, you know, they exist, but they’re like, you can’t see ’em, right?

Speaker 2 (07:27):
Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, right? Yeah. Well, um, they’re just not aware. They’re not aware that they can actually change the way they think that they can literally, you know, rewire, refire, those neural pathways, create new synaptic connections. Those are just the little connectors between our neurons when they’re firing. Um, and again, you know, our brain is this operating system and it’s just, you know, it, it runs these programs fires and wires, these neurons just like a computer program. And so, you know, a, a good way to explain it is that, you know, when you’re on your way to, you know, whether it’s the work, the gym, um, you’re driving or walking there, you always kind of follow the same path, and then you kind of kind of blank out. And then the next thing you know, you’re at the gym, you’re at work, you’re at the grocery.

That’s because you’ve hardwired it into the subconscious and you’re now running a program. And that’s important because we wanna conserve energy as humans. You know, we don’t wanna expend a lot of energy. And so learning something new, doing something new is gonna require a lot more to change. So it’s just easier. It’s, we love comfort. We humans love comfort, and so it’s easier just to let the operating system do its thing. We don’t have to think about it. And obviously we’re always gonna be seeking out pleasure and trying to avoid pain. That’s just one of the rules of the mind <laugh>. Yeah. And so, you know, we associate change with pain in, in many cases. Mm-hmm. And, and again, if we are addicted to the rush of neurochemicals, um, that keep us stuck in this habitual pattern, then it’s gonna be even more difficult to break, you know, that, that habit loop, that cycle, that, um, kind of ritual that we like to go through.

Speaker 1 (09:14):
Yeah. So, so I love what you said. So awareness is the first step. It’s being, and then, and then, and then, and then being able, being willing to, to embrace the uncomfortable, uh, steps to then to start to change these programs. I mean, it’s really like what I hear you saying, it’s kind of like we, most people are going through their days kind of like already hypnotized, you know, in these pre-programmed patterns. Um, and so there is very little awareness because we’re just, you know, going through our days and every day kind of, usually kind of the same thing. And so it’s, uh, I think it’s probably really easy for most people to fall into these, um, subconscious patterns of, you know, thinking and believing things that probably aren’t true and aren’t serving them. Um, and so with, so with rapid transformational therapy, so this is really cool. I, I just learned, was started to learn about it, uh, first first from you and then, uh, from your teacher, you know, watching videos and listening to some audio, and it so amazing. Amazing. So, you know, regarding the technique itself, there’s, so you’re helping people become aware of their beliefs mm-hmm. <affirmative>, then you’re helping them install new ones.

Speaker 2 (10:33):

Speaker 1 (10:34):
Is that so?

Speaker 2 (10:35):
Yeah. Yeah. So the anatomy of a R T T session is, um, so basically what I would do was I would first induce you into hypnosis. And hypnosis is, is a totally natural state. You know, we’re all kind of in that, as you mentioned before, kind of in a hypnotic state, naturally throughout the day, especially when we are, you know, watching television, we’re reading a book, um, you know, they, they don’t call it television programming for nothing. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> it, it’s programming <laugh>. Yeah. But, um, our minds are very relaxed, um, and our little, our, our brain waves, they slow down. And ideally, you know, in order to bring in new beliefs, we wanna slow our brain waves down to an alpha or theta state, because that allows our subconscious to open, um, ideally theta, and then Delta’s completely sleeping. Yeah. <laugh>. Um, but <laugh>.

But, um, yeah, alpha theta we’re very open and receptive. And so it makes it very easy for us to put new suggestions, new programming in. So once we induce, um, once I induce my clients into hypnosis, I do a few suggestibility tests to see how relaxed and receptive they are. And then from there, I regress them. And this is really key, because once I have, I’m able to gain access to the subconscious, then I can go in there and we can find out, alright, what are these life experiences, these imprints that were made usually during childhood that had this extremely high emotional quotient to it. Um, that is the reason, the cause, um, you know, why you’re not, you know, in the case of your clients and your community sleep, you know, how does sleep become difficult? And our subconscious mind at stores and houses, everything that’s happened in our life, and a lot of times, again, you know, because we’re not aware, um, it, it, it is just under the surface, these beliefs, these experiences are under the surface.

And so r t t goes straight in, we find out what they, what they are. And a lot of times, you know, my clients think they know what the experience was that created, um, this issue, but a lot of times we find out that they had no idea, they had totally forgotten about it. You know, especially as we get older as adults. Hmm. A lot of that stuff we forget, sometimes we block it out, but after the regression, we create these interrupters to interrupt, um, this, you know, the pattern of belief, the pattern of thought, um, then we start to reframe their beliefs and their thoughts. And then we provide, um, a transformational, um, basically recording. So at the end of the session, I provide a transformation, which is basically, um, starting to, um, reprogram their mind with new positive suggestions that are directly linked to the result that they want.

And I, um, when I do that, I record it and then I send it to my clients, and then they’re able to listen to it for 21 days. And I ideally 21 days in a row without fail. Cuz as adults, um, we need repetition to rewire those in. As children, we’re actually walking around kind of in a, in low level theta alpha. So it’s very easy for children to learn new things. That’s why, you know, everyone’s like, all right, before your child, child turns eight, you know, teach em the foreign languages, teach ’em the good habit. It’s because we’re naturally, you know, we’re just, our little subconscious minds are open cups, right? And so it’s easy for it to go in and it gets wired in, and then our analytical mind, mind gets sealed up and always beliefs whether they’re true of our false, get trapped in there.

And we, you know, they’re, they’re running the show underneath the service. I always kind of think of, you know, it’s the puppeteer that makes us do things, these programs. Um, so yeah. So it’s really imperative that as adults we, we, we just have to use repetition. And I like to, um, tell my clients, just think of it as, you know, anytime you wanna learn to do something new that you’re really passionate about, like maybe cooking, foreign language, new exercise program, um, you’re, you’re okay with having to repeat and repeat and repeat until you get it locked in. Yeah. Yeah. And it’s no different, um, with, when it comes to, um, transcending your issues, you know, whether it’s sleep, whether it’s addiction, whether it’s, um, weight, whether it’s relationship, you know,

Speaker 1 (15:01):
Anything. So there’s, there’s a lot of different, um, problems on challenges you can solve. Obviously a lot of, most of what we suffer from is in our heads. And so what, what I hear you saying is the first step is to induce somebody into hypno hypnosis mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So get them into that relaxed data state, and then help them have the awareness as to where this belief or event

Speaker 2 (15:25):
Yep. Through regression

Speaker 1 (15:26):
Was created. And then from there, it’s, it’s then figuring out what the meaning was that they applied to this event, and then helping them reframe, create some new meanings, and then install and, and come up with some new beliefs and meanings that they can practice and, and really, you know, create this neuroplasticity in their mind over 21 days to have that transformation.

Speaker 2 (15:52):

Speaker 1 (15:52):
Yep. Is that it?

Speaker 2 (15:53):
That’s it. You

Speaker 1 (15:54):
Got it. That sounds pretty good. So, ok. So for, for everyone that’s listening, I mean, that’s, so that’s, that’s pretty, that’s pretty unique. I mean, there’s a lot of different psychological, you know, techniques out there, N l P and, and you know, hypnosis, and it sounds like it’s a combination of a lot of these different modalities,

Speaker 2 (16:13):
Which are Yeah,

Speaker 1 (16:14):
Definitely. Yeah. That’s, that’s amazing. It’s, um, yeah,

Speaker 2 (16:18):
I just quickly, I was gonna say that it, it combines the, um, neurolinguistic programming, cognitive behavioral therapy, psychotherapy, and hypnotherapy. So it’s really the super therapy of combining all, um, and Marissa, you know, who created it, she has, you know, basically, um, used her 30 years of experience of working with her patients and clients to create this, this therapy. So it’s, it’s really, really powerful.

Speaker 1 (16:44):
And so, so what makes it rapid? I mean, so I, I, like everyone wants fast results, right? So

Speaker 2 (16:50):
One to three sessions.

Speaker 1 (16:51):
One to three sessions, okay. Yes. And so tell us a little bit more about, is it just the combination of all these different techniques that are, you know, combined in this, this process that make it so, so effective, or,

Speaker 2 (17:03):
Yeah, it really is. It is, um, yeah, by combining, you know, those four therapies, it can get results very quickly. And, you know, what I realized just through practicing with my own clients is that it really comes down to the, to the, um, those subconscious beliefs. And if we can interrupt them and, you know, rewire those neural pathways, then, um, they’re gonna see, you know, immediate results. And most people just need one session. If there’s, um, you know, if there’s been a pretty intense trauma in a person’s past, that can take a little bit longer. But for the most part, um, one session is able to really transform, um, the way someone thinks and the way they experience, um, the world

Speaker 1 (17:52):
<laugh>. That’s amazing. So Emily, what, what would you say to someone you know, that says, oh, I’m, I, I can’t be hypnotized. I mean, somebody obviously has to be willing and open to, to be, you know, uh, but what would you, I mean, have you heard that, has anyone, you know, said,

Speaker 2 (18:08):
We have this belief, um, that has been passed on this program that we can’t be hypnotized? And that’s not true? Because again, when you’re watching television, when you’re, you know, on YouTube watching Netflix, you’re in a natural state of hypnosis. And hypnosis is a natural state. It’s just a natural human state of, again, you know, when we’re relaxed, those, those brainwaves, they slow down and we become more receptive and we can allow the information to come in. And that’s an another example I like to give, um, is I’ve always been an athlete. I love to ride my bike. I love to run. Um, when we’re running and we’re kind of in that flow state, our brains are more relaxed. And we know this because a lot of times when we’re exercising, we have these amazing divine downloads. And that’s because our subconscious is open. And it can be more open to, it’s probably gonna go a little too far for some people, but to the quantum field,

Speaker 1 (19:07):

Speaker 2 (19:08):
And I know I’m speaking your language, Devin. Yeah. Um, and we are connected to that intelligence. And so again, hypnosis is just a relaxed brain. It’s a relaxed mind. It’s open to new information.

Speaker 1 (19:24):
Got it. Yeah. So, so even the, just the belief that I can’t be hypnotized is something that, you know, someone, if you’re think, if you’re watching this and you’re thinking that you’re one of those people, that would be the first belief maybe to, to look at <laugh>.

Speaker 2 (19:37):
Definitely. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (19:38):
So, you know, so in, in my practice, obviously I help, you know, exhausted somnia CEOs, executives, and can’t sleep.

Speaker 2 (19:45):
That’s important work.

Speaker 1 (19:46):
Um, and so, and, and I hear this all the time, you know, people, they’re like, you know, Devin, I’m laying in bed and, and my mind is, is just racing. Yeah. And I have this racing thoughts know, what, what would you say in, in your, in your bag of, um, tools? Cause I know you have a lot, you’ve studied a lot of different things. Mm-hmm. Um, you know, I always like to, to ask my guests, you know, what they would recommend or what they, if they know of any, um, you know, techniques, tools, something actionable that people tonight that maybe are watching this, that aren’t quite ready to, uh, to book a session with you or, or hire me as their sleep coach. Um, right. You know, what are some things that, you know, you would recommend to help people that, you know, struggle with, with, with insomnia and, and racing mind?

Speaker 2 (20:29):
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Um, insomnia is just, it’s just a sign of a overly active, um, disturbed mind, you know? Yes. Um, today, in today’s day and age, we have, you know, especially as, you know, productive, um, high adults, you know, we have a lot on our minds, <laugh>. And so, you know, and it’s so funny, I immediately went back to my mom, um, when I was a little girl. Anytime I got nervous about taking a test the next day, or my brain got really active, she would just always tell me, just, you know, and it’s like the counting the sheep thing. <laugh>, <laugh> say, you know, I want you to visualize either the numeral or the word one spelled out, and just repeat it over and over again. So when our minds are really hot, we wanna take the heat out of our, our minds and bring it back into our body.

Um, but, you know, the best thing you can do is be aware that, oh, there goes this little program that I’m running again, that I get anxious about. You know, I have this like, nonstop <laugh> brain activity, nonstop thought. Um, there it is. I can either entertain it and let it run its course, and it’s gonna keep me up all night. Or I can say, uh, there it is. All right, let me come out of my brain, get back into my body, just become more aware of my body and how it feels, and just use breath work. Breath work’s amazing for it too, to start to breathe long breaths and through the nose, let it come into your lungs, into your stomach, you know, and long inhales and through the nose, exhale through the mouth. Um, and it’s just really about you being aware of the program you’re running, addressing it and saying, you know what? I’m choosing to create a new program, and this new program is me slowing down my thoughts coming into my body using my breath work. If I need, need to, you know, use, you know, a mantra or, you know, just anything that would make you happy. Just something singular. Like, you know, one, keep it

Speaker 1 (22:35):
Simple. I

Speaker 2 (22:35):
Like it. One, one. And that’ll help you slow your brain down. And you’ll notice that your brain will, you know, it’ll want to, you know, latch back on to whatever the, the thought process is when you notice it. Just, you know, if you have to say, stop out loud, stop it, and then come back to whatever the word is. And I, you know, I noticed both saying it, you know, internally, if you need to say it out loud, you can do that as well. And then also visualizing it, it, it takes, it takes more focus to do that. That’s how it allows your brain to slow down, because your brain’s like, you know, when you have this like <laugh> fire brain, your brain, you know, kinda crazy mind going, you know, going off all these things that you have to do tomorrow and you know what you’re worried about today, it really helps you laser focus on one thing and you just keep coming back to it and it’ll get easier and easier. You know, just know that it takes practice. You, you’ve practiced having a busy mind at night, and it’s gonna take practice for you to not have a busy mind at night. <laugh>,

Speaker 1 (23:40):
Man, I love that. I mean, there’s so many things, right? That I, you know, based off what you just said first, I’d love how simple it is, you know, just, just one, you know, the number one, and really, I think the big thing is like, like becoming the witness mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you know, really stepping into that seat of awareness and recognizing, okay, well this is, I’m not my thoughts. Yeah. And, and just, you know, stepping into that place and then redirecting or focus on, um, on the number one, which is such a simple, a simple thing to do. Uh, not easy, but simple. Um, you know, it’s funny, I was actually, so I am, I’m always, you know, looking at the latest research of, you know, sleep science and devices and, you know, things like that. And there’s actually this device now mm-hmm. <affirmative> speaking of, like you said, your, your, your head gets hot. They actually have this cooling device they’re selling Exactly. That you put on your, on your head mm-hmm. <affirmative>, and it’s like they have ’em for the bed, but now they have ’em for your forehead, and it actually has some scientific validation to help. Right. Cool. Your brain, cuz it, like, literally your brain is revving up, it’s creating energy and it’s, it’s getting hot.

Speaker 2 (24:47):
All those are wiring. Wiring and Yeah. It’s activity.

Speaker 1 (24:51):
Yeah. The truth, like, the truth is, I mean, obviously you don’t, you know, there’s, you don’t need anything. You, you have everything already mm-hmm. <affirmative>, right. You don’t need a cooling, uh, he head device to cool off your mind. I mean, that’s treating the symptom. We’re talking about treating the root cause. Yeah. Which is, which is the thinking. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So Thank you. So that’s, that’s a, a beautiful technique. Simple technique. And I also like that you said it’s a practice because

Speaker 2 (25:18):
It is, yeah.

Speaker 1 (25:19):
A lot of this I think is a practice, right? I mean, I know I’m, I’m always practicing things and how do you get good at anything as you, like you said, you practice mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you know, you wanna learn how to cook a meal, you wanna learn how to have an instrument play an instrument. Yeah. And, um, so, so tell us a little bit more too about, so you have, we have the hypnotherapy, we have the reprogramming, we have this rapid transformation with mm-hmm. <affirmative>, like within one session, uh, which is remarkable because a lot of times people spend, right? I mean, people listening to this are probably like maybe in a little bit of disbelief or denial because they’ve been in therapy for armchair therapy for like five years. Right? Right, right. So, so what do you, what do you tell people that are like, you know, maybe a little skeptical or they’re like, well, I don’t know if this is, you know, I’ve been in therapy for five years and I’m still, you know, how do you, how would you address that, Emily? Cause I’m sure there’s some people that are gonna see this, that are probably in that of course, position.

Speaker 2 (26:14):
Yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (26:15):
Maybe even a little angry like, oh, this, oh, yeah. You know, so give us your insight there.

Speaker 2 (26:21):
Yeah. Um, you know, obviously any form of therapy is wonderful because when you go to therapy, that’s you saying, you know what, um, there’s something that I wanna change in my life. And so, and I know that I need help and support and I need someone to help me with that. And I think that’s wonderful. You know, that’s the first step. And, um, you know, what I know about traditional talk therapy is, um, you know, it is more focused on the problem, which what we focus on expands. Hmm. Um, yeah. And it’s also a lot around our feelings, you know, how, how do you feel? How does that make you feel? Um, which is wonderful too, but we can get really stuck on that, which I think that, you know, if you need to have someone with you, um, you know, a therapist with you for months, for years, um, then that’s your choice.

And that’s wonderful. You know, a lot of people, they do need someone by their side to hold them accountable, um, to be kind of that, that guide and support. Um, but for people who are just like, you know what, I’m, I’m ready to make a a huge change right now, and I’m ready to be done with this. I don’t need that continual support. Um, then rapid transformational therapy is a great choice for that person. Um, and then obviously, you know, I have a lot of clients who, you know, we, we do one session around a certain issue, but they’re like, you know what? I wanna work on this other issue and this other issue. Um, in which case, you know, I can, you know, provide a higher level of attention and service, but I also incorporate, um, a lot of life coaching and mindset coaching with that, um, type of container.

But yeah. Um, also really quickly, I wanted to give them another, um, kind of, um, tool that they can use. Yeah, please. So, um, we basically, if we wanna change the way we think, we really need to become friends with our mind. And when I say that, like in terms of sleep, it’s like, you know, you tell your mind what it, it’ll do anything that you want it to do, and as long as it thinks that it’s in your best interest and that it’s guiding you towards pleasure and not pain, it’ll, our subconscious mind will do it. So if you tell yourself, uh, you know, sleep is difficult, it’s challenging. I can never fall asleep. I always wake up, it’s impossible. Then our brain’s like, okay, our subconscious is like, all right, it is hard to sleep <laugh> and <laugh>. And so we kind of get used to that process.

So it’s like, instead you are, our, our minds are either they’re, they’re tools, they either use us or we can use them. So you tell your brain, you know what, I love sleep. It is easy, it’s effortless for me to fall asleep. You know, I can fall asleep and I stay asleep and I wake up when I’m ready. Hmm. I wake up at the, the time that is, feels great to me, or my required time. And so I think that’s just a really amazing practice. Um, you know, for the, for your audience, for your community, um, like befriend your brain, befriend your mind, and start to shift, you know, your, your dialogue that you have with it. Yeah. Instead

Speaker 1 (29:43):
Of saying it’s powerful, difficult,

Speaker 2 (29:45):
It’s easy, I love it. I fall asleep within, you know, five minutes time and sleep just comes to me. I don’t have to chase it.

Speaker 1 (29:54):
<laugh>. I love that. Yeah. Change your, change your story, change your story and, and positive self-talk, you know? Mm-hmm. <affirmative> and, and, and then allow it to allow it to naturally happen. That’s beautiful. So, so last question here. Um, yeah. For you Emily, um, well two. So first off, where, where can people get more, more information if they’re interested in maybe a session with you and learning more about, you know, the work that you do? Where, where, where would, uh, people watching this go?

Speaker 2 (30:22):
Yeah, so, um, if you wanna go to my website as it’s just Emily Rose, um, you can go there. I actually, um, started putting out hypnotherapy meditations every Monday. This is just something I started doing recently. Um, if you look on my homepage, you, you can actually, um, you know, sign up to receive those in your inbox every Monday. Um, also if you’re curious to see if r t t, uh, would be a benefit to you, I also offer free private consultations. Um, and I can, obviously, I’d love to speak to you about what’s going on, um, with your kind of sleep patterns, um, and see how I might be able to support you in that way.

Speaker 1 (31:05):
Awesome. We’ll make sure we put, we’ll put the information in the description below for people to find you. Um, and so, so final question here. Why is a a great night’s sleep important for you, Emily?

Speaker 2 (31:20):
Because I feel amazing. <laugh>, I wake up in the morning, <laugh> cranky. I’ve got energy for my workouts. Exercise is a big part of my, you know, routine during the day. I can be more present for my, you know, husband, for my friends, for my family, for my clients. Um, yeah, I just feel good. And, and sleep is, it really is a natural state and we’re hardwired for it. And it’s just, yeah, again, these beliefs, these thought patterns that, you know, get in the way. So if we can just come back to, I was born a sleeper as a baby, we can sleep through anything. Yeah. And, um, get back to that then we, we, that’s just the start. We’ve got it made.

Speaker 1 (32:03):
That’s awesome, Emily. So thank you so much for your time, for the work that you’re doing in the world. I, I appreciate you as a, uh, as a, as a human being and a friend. Uh, and I look forward to hearing more about the work that you’re doing next time we get together and, um, <laugh>. Yeah. So, so we’ll leave it at that, guys. I’ll put, like I said, everyone, I’ll put some links below this, uh, this video for you to, to reach out to Emily, follow her on social media, check out her meditations, and, um, and tilt next time. Sleep tight and we’ll see you on the next episode. Thanks a lot.