I had about 4 days of not sleeping before I found Sleep Science Academy. I went down a hole of being scared to sleep and the sleepless nights went on for weeks and weeks before I reached out for help. I tried reading, medicine, getting physically exhausted, meditating, I pretty much did everything {to solve my sleep}. After working with Sleep Science Academy, I realize the other things didn’t work for me because I was lacking the education of how anxiety and fear were contributing to my sleep. I wasn’t working with the proper information that sleep isn’t something you have to fight. Now, my sleep has improved so much! I’m sleeping 7, 8, 9 hours a night and getting a good duration of REM and deep sleep. I’m feeling better throughout the day and don’t worry about sleep now. I don’t have to think about it and it frees up a lot of space for other thoughts. I can go throughout the day without worry. The process with SSA was really easy. I could take it at my own pace. I’d recommend this to anyone who struggles with sleeping or wants to better their quality of health. It’s for anyone really. There is a light at the end of the tunnel! You can do it. Believe in yourself and don’t fight it.
