I battled with chronic insomnia since I was a child, basically my whole life, it’s all I remember. I would get a good night of sleep maybe once or twice a year, otherwise I was just chronically sleep-deprived. I feel like I tried everything under the sun to get a good night’s sleep but nothing made a difference. It had a lot more to do with my mindset and belief than I ever realized and not as much to do with the external factors. After working with SSA I don’t have insomnia anymore and it’s amazing! I’m able to sleep every night. I never thought this would be my reality and I’m so grateful. Anyone who is struggling with sleep or battling with insomnia would benefit from this program. Improving my sleep has made me a more positive person, more stable, and I have more energy. It’s impacted my health in a positive way, I’m able to think more clearly and I have a lot more peace. The insomnia had been controlling my life. Now I’m not worried about my sleep. It’s taken a huge weight off my shoulders and helped me live my life. I can’t recommend it enough. There is hope! Your body can sleep. It will get better.