Andy suspects that the main reason the other things didn’t work is because they were addressing the symptoms of his problem and not addressing the main issue. What he was trying was not looking at the holistic picture and addressing the root cause. Before finding...
Prior to finding Sleep Science Academy, Ranjan scoured the internet for solutions for his insomnia. He tried various sleep hacks, blue light blockers, meditation and melatonin. Despite trying everything he could think of to improve his sleep, he found nothing worked...
Before Emma found Sleep Science Academy, she tried a lot of different things to solve her sleep. From Google searches and focus on sleep hygiene, prescription medication and CBD supplements, things might work for a time but never addressed the root issue. She even...
Gene went to extreme measures to solve his sleep. He went through three sleep studies, neurofeedback with a respected neuropsychologist and hypnosis. He stopped drinking caffeine, exercised excessively and took prescription medication. As his sleep failed to...
Carla struggled with insomnia for 35 years. She tried numerous sleep aids, both over the counter and prescriptions strength, lotions and oils, baths before bed and breathing exercises. Nothing was long lasting and would only help minimally. She realizes now she...